
AmFi comes at a very special time in the Brazilian capital market, in which several initiatives, projects and protocols are proposed to bring even more technology and innovation to the financial market. Therefore, it is worth noting that regulators and federal authorities are constantly discussing the classification of this new type of activity and, consequently, there is no explicit regulation for the activities developed by AmFi.

Without disregarding the imminent approval of the applicable legislation, AmFi applies the highest standard of diligence and best market practices in its activities and, for this reason, has spontaneously produced several documents on security, compliance and governance. AmFi has also incorporated best market practices into its systems and processes, and spontaneously adheres to the highest standards set by regulatory bodies (including the Central Bank of Brazil, CVM, B3, and Anbima).

In addition, AmFi relies on close collaboration with the Brazilian regulator and was one of the six companies selected for the Central Bank's Regulatory Sandbox program Lift Lab 2022. As such, the company worked closely with the regulator to present its Platform and the benefits of standardizing receivables and financial assets and automating their settlement and reconciliation through the use of blockchain smart contracts.

To learn more, access Universo AmFi.

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